{Observational ramblings of a sick mind}

How much is a reaction worth?

To get those tears to fall down to Earth?

Today I feel back in tune.

The sun shines,

I feel renewed. But,

I’d even by judged by your spirit

As I lived my life for love, innit?

I am a different breed.

One of which you need.

The pressure of legacy haunts me…

And yet, what a beautiful day

Troubles seem further away

Curtains blow gently in the breeze

Sounds of traffic brought to it’s knees

Then driving away with the sound of bees

Bees humming

Engines burbing beneath

Me, raised to the top of the parapet

Can I look down upon

The green suburban scene

A content dream

Hearing families playing?

Unseen to them I see the kytes in the sky,

Viewing them as they soar by.

I see the flies buzzing around my window frames;

Their prescence in my home they wish to gain,

I hear children screaming and the barking of a squeaky dog.

A seagull squawks and flies by my window’s side

I know of the wonderful world where I reside

The End

By Samantha “unextraordinarybint” Harris

In Hertfordshire on the 5th September 2021

Great Britain in the United Kingdom of the British Isles.
